Hello Colleague
We hope the exam series is going well for you and your students.
We’re very keen to hear your feedback about any aspect of the series. Please do let us know your thoughts about any of our qualifications using our post-exam surveys; you could win a £50 e-voucher if you do.
Remember we offer a range of help to support your students through their exams, including revision ideas and tips to manage stress. We also have a range of exam support for students on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. Our recent blogs on maths anxiety and maths across the curriculum can help support your students at exam time too; please do share with them.
As ever, if you have any queries or we can give you any further support, please get in touch. Our role is to support you as you deliver our qualifications.
Neil, Steven, Ruth, Caroline and Amy - your OCR Maths Subject Advisors
01223 553998