Take another look at GCSE (9-1) Science B

Take another look at Science
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Why choose OCR GCSE (9-1) Science suite (21st Century B – Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Combined Science)

Accessible and consistent question papers

  • Only four question papers for Combined Science.
  • Accessible language and clear layout used in all papers; see our Exploring our question papers booklet.
  • There are limited 6 mark level of response questions across the question papers (separate Sciences only have level of response questions in papers 02/04 (two per paper) and Combined Science only has one level of response question per paper).

Context-led specification

  • Interesting science contexts inspire and enable students to anchor their knowledge in real life.

Support for practicals

  • A flexible approach to practicals; we specify the required skills rather than specifying required practicals.
  • 40 exemplar activities for you to choose from, or you can use your own.

Entry Level Science

  • Entry Level Science qualification that maps to GCSE Combined Science, that can be used as an introduction to, or an alternative to the GCSE.

Content overview

The content overview provides a description of each component, the mark allocation, duration of exam and weighting of assessment.


Support and resources

Free planning and teaching resources include:

  • Delivery guides
  • Schemes of work 
  • Teacher guides 
  • Teaching activities
  • Practical activities - over 40 exemplar activities for you to use with your students, including a specific Combined Science booklet ’with 21 practical activities covering Combined Science and a supplementary booklet for separate sciences detailing the extra activities required to cover separate science requirements. Both these booklet are completely editable and include a technician guide and homework booklet.

Assessment resources include

  • Past papers
  • Practice papers
  • Candidate exemplars
  • Examiner reports
  • ExamBuilder - our free assessment builder platform that allows you to create tailored question papers giving your students the opportunity to practice and build confidence ahead of their exams.
  • Active Results - our free online results analysis service that allows you to review your students' exam performance.

Text book and digital resources
We have a range of textbooks and endorsed resources.

Expert Subject Advisors 
For all your specific subject-related queries, you can also get in touch with our friendly, knowledgeable Science Subject Advisors at science@ocr.org.uk.

Subject updates
Sign up to receive subject emails, including newsletters, and keep up-to-date with the latest news, updates, professional development events, Teacher Networks and teaching and assessment resources. 


Professional development and Teacher Networks

All our qualifications are supported with comprehensive training. Check out our professional development page on our website to find out what face-to-face and online courses we have available this term. Further courses will be added throughout the year.

Our free Teacher Networks provide you with a fantastic opportunity to discuss your subject with our Subject Advisors and like-minded colleagues in your local area.

Feedback from teachers after our June 2019 exams

‘Generally very positive, having had a good exam hall experience. Both triple and combined, foundation and higher, said broadly the same.’ (Biology, Combined Science)

‘Overall the students seemed quite positive about these exams. They knew what to expect and they did not seem to find them different to the mock exams.’ (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Science)