Hi everyone,
How are you? We’re pleased that the days are getting warmer and longer to accompany the coming easing of lockdown restrictions.
Ofqual and the DfE have now published their decisions for the awarding of grades in summer 2021, based on their recent consultations. Please see the first article below for more information.
If you are a centre that accepts private candidates, please be aware that the entry deadline for private candidates into the summer 2021 series has been extended to 21 March 2021. As in other years, remember also that for GCSE (9-1) Maths you have until 21 April 2021 to change the tier that candidates are entered on.
As ever, if there is any further support that we can provide for you in this current period then please do contact us. Our role is to support you as you deliver our qualifications.
Neil, Steven, Ruth and Caroline - your Maths Subject Advisors
01223 553998