Welcome to the latest edition of Total Maths! We hope you’ve had a great summer and are ready for the new term.
We’ve spent the summer putting together resources and events to support you all once back in the classrooms. We've also pulled together everything you need to support your planning, teaching and training in one place. On this new page you can find resources for planning and teaching, mock preparation and open days, upcoming professional development courses, key dates and more.
Join us at one of our regional Teacher Networks later this term to hear all about how students performed in the summer 2019 assessments across qualifications, including an in depth look into GCSE (9-1) Mathematics performance.
For a summary of the latest updates and news regarding our qualifications and maths education, read on.
If you have any questions or feedback, then please contact us. Our role is to support you as you deliver our qualifications.
Wishing you all a great start to the Autumn term,
Neil, Ruth, Caroline and Steven - your Maths Subject Advisors
Maths Community