We’re creating a new AS/A Level Business to empower students to develop as commercially minded and enterprising individuals, who are prepared to make informed decisions about their future.
We have now submitted our draft specifications to Ofqual and will be working with them to gain accreditation, ready for first teach in September 2025*. In the meantime, you can:
- explore our DRAFT specifications and sample assessment materials
- discover our comprehensive support package
- sign up for our email updates to stay informed about the developments
- speak to one of our team about our plans for the new qualifications.
Why choose our business qualifications?
Our planned qualifications* have been shaped by a comprehensive review of our existing ones and feedback from teachers and other stakeholders. They offer:
✅ Simplified, streamlined specifications
Our new specifications are shorter, with some topics reduced or removed. We’ve also structured them into topics, so it's easier to navigate them and for teachers to plan.
✅ More accessible assessments
We’re revising our assessment approach to ensure clarity, consistency and accessibility. This includes introducing more multiple choice questions, and ensuring consistent command words and paper structure.
Different content will be assessed on each paper, but AS paper 2 and A Level paper 3 will also give students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to draw together topics from across the specification.
✅ A focus on modern business
We’re introducing contemporary content such as work life balance and customer experience, while updating popular topics such as sustainability and the use of technology in business.
✅ A comprehensive support offer
We provide support for teachers, including non-specialists, from day one – from professional development courses to sample assessment materials and curriculum planners.
Want to know more?
Request a call or email us, and we’d be happy to answer any questions you might have – whether you’re new to OCR, thinking of switching or have been teaching with us for a while.
You can also read a more detailed explanation of the changes we're making in our blog.
*Please note, these qualifications have not yet been accredited by Ofqual. While our draft specifications and sample assessment materials have been published to enable teachers to have early sight, changes may be required as part of the accreditation process and the proposed first teach date may change. We can give no assurances these proposed qualifications will be accredited for September 2025 or remain as they currently are.
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Register for our email updates and we'll keep you informed about the latest AS/A Level Business developments, including accreditation. We will also send you blogs, news, details of events and more.
Signing up is easy: fill in our form, tick the Business/Economics area of interest box and we'll deliver news straight to your inbox.